The ENRICH Program was developed as an educational program and assessed the impact of health behaviour change amongst cancer survivors, their family and carers. The initial randomised controlled trial results reported improvements in health behaviours, however the study did not assess the psychosocial benefits. Cancer Council NSW implemented a revised program, ENRICHing Survivorship, introducing 2 new sessions, peer support and yoga. Qualitative analysis reports improved psychosocial benefits and holistic wellbeing.
Qualitative responses;
“Cancer is a personal journey, [but] the connection with others about it, is useful. It is nice to share experiences.”
“It was the first real opportunity to start processing cancer as part of my life. Up until now it was all doing surgery and radiotherapy. This was the beginning of the processing of emotions.”
“I have genuinely looked forward to coming each week. Emotionally I feel stronger and better equipped for the coming years. I have formed friendships that I know will continue.”
A participant will share their personal reflections of their cancer experience and how the ENRICHing Survivorship program helped to improve their psychosocial wellbeing. For example, establishment of friendships, acknowledgment of emotions, improved self-esteem and confidence.